Monochromasters Instagram

From jan 1st to dec 31st in 2020 I have posted one work of Monochromasters every single day on Instagram

In 2020 I have published one work of Monochromasters every day, from 1 January to 31 December, on the instagram account @monochromasters.

I posted them all in the same ratio: as if 1 instagram post was 1189 x 1189 mm (The larger side of a A0 poster squared). This put some limitations on the works I could use, but otherwise I tried to get a very diverse range of works featured, all from individual artists, and mostly paintings. I managed to post a work by a different artist every day.

Below are all the posts from that year on that account in (reverse) chronological order:

After the year ended I posted some posts about the collection as a whole. All these are averages of the averages of that specific period:

Since the year ended I have been using the account to post more experimental or incidental works in the Monochromasters series, experimenting with size, spanning different instagram posts, and featuring multiple works by the same artist.

Follow @monochromasters on instagram to see the updates

This work belongs in: Exhibition, Monochromasters, website